UDEP: Business Start-Up Lab

10 – 11 de October 2018 Aula 119, Edificio Principal, Campus Piura

11:00 a 11:15 a.m. : Recepción de estudiantes.
11:15 a 11:20 a.m. : Palabras de bienvenida
Cristina Vargas – Directora P.A. de Historia y Gestión cultural.
11:20 a 12:00p.m. : Exposición Programa START-UP UDEP, Incubadora HUB UDEP
12:00 a 12:30 p.m. : Caso de éxito: “Hecho en Piura”
12:30 a 1:00 p.m. : Preguntas y cierre

More Info HERE

UPC: Publication Investiga+ Magazine

The paper on the UMETECH project was selected for Investiga + Magazine (Editorial UPC)

On 4 and 5 of October 2018, the team of the CC of Córdoba participated in the Second Conference on Promotion and Dissemination of Research, organized by the Directorate of Postgraduate Studies and Research of the UPC, based on the slogan “la investigación a 100 años de la Reforma: legados, desafíos y problematizaciones”.

The selected article can be found on page 167 of the Investiga + Access Magazine