Universidad Provincial de Cordoba


The Provincial University of Cordoba (Spanish: Universidad Provincial de Cordoba, UPC), was founded in April 2007 as an instrument for modelling the Cordoba society, both educationally and humanly and spiritually. Since then, the institution has been carrying out an important process of growth and development, which has accelerated in the last two years.

Since the beginning of 2013, the University has started to work in a joint and coordinated way with the Ministry of Education and the trade unions representing teachers and non-teaching workers. It includes the eight prestigious institutes of higher education that constitute its founding base: Tourism and Hotel Industry “Marcelo Montes Pacheco”, School of Applied Arts “Lino Enea Spilimbergo”, Superior School of Fine Arts “Dr. José Figueroa Alcorta”, Provincial Institute of Physical Education “IPEF”, Superior Conservatory of Music “Felix T. Garzón”, School of Ceramics “Fernando Arranz”, Comprehensive Theater School “Roberto Arlt” and Higher Education Institute “Dr. Domingo Cabred”.

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